How to stay healthy (both mind and body) during the season of holiday parties

How to stay healthy (both mind and body) during the season of holiday parties

The "all or nothing" mentality can really affect the way we approach a Holiday party. What if you could come from a place of balance, where it's neither all of the the things or none of the things!? I give you 5 of my best tips for achieving that balanced state! 

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All about poop!

All about poop!

Yep, my favorite topic. 
Digestion and properly eliminating waste from our rockin' bodies is CRUCIAL for every single bodily function - our energy, skin, immunity, brain health - all of it! 
But what's normal? How often should you go? What if you're NOT going? 
I've got you covered!

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3 ways to beat the bloat

3 ways to beat the bloat

Bloating does not have to be your reality. I dealt with it for years so I know just how frustrating and uncomfortable it can be. Suffer no more! I'm giving you my three totally effective tips for beating the bloat from the start. 

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How to stop being HANGRY

How to stop being HANGRY

Are you starving, shaky, and irritable? Are you HANGRY? This catchy term has been circling around a lot lately and it's time to break it down. Here's my opinion on the term, what it really means is going on in our bodies, and what you can do to rebalance and get it under control. 

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